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Two for one.
One for all.
Manitoba Technology Education Diploma
Graduate from Sisler High School with a second diploma for being a part of the Cyber Academy.
Complete all Cyber electives
Load up your timetable with Cyber Academy courses starting in Grade 10.
Confirm your eligibility with Guidance
Ensure that you are on the list of eligible recipients before you graduate.
Graduate with a dual diploma
Underneath your regular diploma will be your Manitoba Tech Ed Diploma.
What is Tech Ed?
Technology Education provides students with opportunities for solving problems, designing, making and doing, and addressing current trends and issues. Students use and study technology to create practical solutions to problems – individually or in groups – to develop technical skills, knowledge and attitudes.
Technology Education includes courses found in the subject areas of vocational and industrial trade education. The Network and Cyber Security is proudly recognized as one of these trades.
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