Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question about the Cyber Academy that isn't answered here, please reach out to us using our contact form.
What is the Cyber Academy Gold Standard?
The Cyber Academy Gold Standard is a structured program designed to assist students in graduating from high school with a substantial portfolio of credentials. The primary objective is to facilitate their direct entry into the IT industry at an entry-level position. This approach enables students to save thousands of dollars in tuition costs while beginning to earn income. This model was initially exemplified by Jacob Hughes, and numerous other Cyber Academy students have successfully followed his lead, transitioning directly into high-skilled, well-paying IT positions.
Do we need past experience to succeed?
Not at all! Anyone with any current skill level in technology can join.
Typically, what does a class look like?
Classes involve both hands-on labs and practical projects, as well as note-taking and readings from provided online textbooks. This combination of theoretical and practical knowledge will be tested on an ongoing basis with quizzes, tests, and exams.
What are the skills my child will learn?
Your child will learn the key skills needed to operate in an Information Technology job role, as well as general purpose knowledge of computers, networks, cyber security, and operating system software. These skills open doors to fun and exciting extra-curricular activities, and help spark a passion for technology that translates into real-world success.
Are there any ways I can support my child to succeed in these courses?
Your unwavering support of your child in pursuing Cyber Academy courses is paramount in your child's success. While Cyber courses are less popular compared to traditional high school electives, the opportunities Cyber can provide are astronomical and invaluable.
Are there any financial costs or benefits?
There is no cost to enroll in Cyber Academy courses. However, there may be small, one-time fees to join some of our extra-curricular activities, as the organizations that run them require registration fees.
Tech Ed
Can I graduate with 2 diplomas if I take all 8 Cyber Academy courses from grade 10-12?
Yes! As long as you receive a credit in all 8 courses, you will automatically be eligible for the Tech Ed diploma.
Does the grade 9 class count towards one of the eight courses for the Tech Ed diploma?
Unfortunately, no. Only the grades 10-12 courses count towards the Tech Ed diploma. However, the grade 9 course is still a valuable asset for students just starting out in their Cyber career, and will set you up for success in later years.
If I'm in French Immersion will I still be able to obtain the Cyber Tech Ed Diploma?
Yes, however special considerations will need to be made to accommodate your extra course load. Please contact us to discuss your options.
If I'm focusing on academic subjects such as Physics, Pre-Calc, and Computer Science, can I still obtain my Tech Ed Diploma?
Yes, however special considerations will need to be made to accommodate your extra course load. Please contact us to discuss your options.
Does this program have any outside of school commitments?
Technically not, however if you plan to become involved in an extra-curricular club, it is strongly recommended that you practice and work on some of your material at home. Many of our students actually enjoy their homework, and end up making more homework for themselves to help them get better at their competitions!
What opportunities would participating in competitions bring?
The competitions we participate in are world-class, international challenges that provide amazing experiences and opportunities. Not only does it look great on a resume, but they may even give you the opportunity to liaise with industry professionals.
Is participating in the clubs mandatory for Cyber Academy Students?
While not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged! We take pride in creating fun, safe, and educational activities for our students inside and outside the classroom.
How many courses can I take in the Post-High program?
Post-High students can take up to 4 courses in total over the course of a semester or a full school year. Typically, students enroll and upgrade previously completed Cyber Academy courses, but engage with advanced curriculum that is within the Provincial Curriculum Framework.
What is the maximum age I can be to enroll in Post-High?
The maximum age to re-enroll for Post-High courses in Manitoba is 21.
Can I come back to the Cyber Academy Post-High and Obtain my Tech Ed Diploma?
No. In order to receive the Tech Ed diploma, you must complete all 8 courses before you graduate high school.
What are the benefits of taking Post-High courses, instead of at a post secondary institution?
The biggest benefit is the cost, as post-high is 100% free, and can deliver content parallel to select post-secondary classes that may cost you hundreds of dollars. Additionally, post-high offers flexibility for it's students who intend to work while studying, or who want to commit full time.
Can I earn post secondary credit or have a reduction in post-secondary tuition upon completing Post-High?
Select students may be eligible to submit their completed courses here for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) credit-hours at select post-secondary programs. For example, a post-high student intending to attend an IT program at RRC Polytech may be credited for some classes done in post-high. Every student's case is handled on an individual basis.